Enam Medical College and Hospital

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Enam Medical College And Hospital

About Enam Medical College and Hospital:

Enam Medical College and Hospital is one of Bangladesh’s most known medical institutions, delivering MBBS at a reasonable fee to any students interested in studying MBBS in Bangladesh. In 2003, the institution was founded after being approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the University of Dhaka, and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.

The College’s dedication to its students’ growth as medical professionals has earned it widespread acclaim. All the college instructors are experts in their fields, making it a reliable institution. The fact that classes at Enam Medical College and Hospital are taught entirely in English has made it a popular choice among prospective medical students in India. Furthermore, the college sets aside 25% of its annual enrollment for students from other countries.

Recognition to the Enam Medical College and Hospital:

  • National Medical Commission (NMC)
  • BMDC
  • The University of Dhaka
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS)

Faculties at the Enam Medical College and Hospital:

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Biochemistry
  • Faculty of Physiology
  • Faculty of Community Medicine
  • Faculty of Pharmacology
  • Faculty of Pathology
  • Faculty of Forensic Medicine
  • Faculty of Microbiology
  • Faculty of Surgery
  • Faculty of Obstetrics
  • Faculty of Gynaecology

Rank of the Enam Medical College and Hospital:

National Rank: 8th

Eligibility criteria to take admission to Enam Medical College and Hospital:

To qualify for an MBBS programme at Enam Medical College and Hospital, prospective candidates need to meet the following minimum requirements:

  • The minimum combined SSC and HSC GPA expected of students is 3.50.
  • Students from Hilly Districts are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 8.00 (a 3.00 GPA is the bare minimum).
  • To be eligible for MBBS programme admission, a candidate must be at least 17 years old.
  • An equal to the 10+2 level of education is required, with courses such as Physics, Biology, English, and Chemistry covered.
  • The candidate has to have a cumulative grade point average of at least 50% in the required disciplines.
  • Students in the open category need to have a PCB average of 50% or above.
  • The minimum PCB score for a student from the SC/ST/OBC group is 45 percent.
  • Candidates from India must have scored well on the NEET test.

Documents required for admission to Enam Medical College and Hospital:

  • Certificates of SSC and HSC/equivalent exams
  • Photographs in passport size
  • Form of application
  • Certificate of transfer
  • National identification card medical certificate
  • Bank receipt with a valid passport
  • NEET scores on a valid passport
  • Passing certificate Invitation letter
  • Certificate of Birth
  • Certificate of Migration
  • Certificate of Caste
  • Certificate of HIV testing
  • Report on Covid-19
  • Certificate of transfer
  • Police Clearance Certificate

Admission process at Enam Medical College and Hospital:

Step 1: To begin enrolling in an MBBS in Bangladesh programme, interested candidates must complete and submit their application.

Step 2: Second, the college administers entrance exams on the same day and at the same time for both public and private medical schools.

Step 3: Third, submit all required materials; admissions decisions will be determined on a national merit basis.

Step 4: The chosen students will be checked for physical fitness by a college medical board.

Step 5: After being accepted, the student will get an offer letter from Enam Medical College and Hospital.

Step 6: In order to enrol in the medical programme at Enam Medical College and Hospital, the next step requires students and their legal guardians to sign non-judicially binding contracts outlining expectations for academic performance, personal behaviour, and disciplinary action.

Step 7: It is because it may take some time to get a passport; the last time requires all applicants to begin the visa application process immediately.

Benefits of taking admission to an MBBS in Bangladesh at Enam Medical College and Hospital:

  • The very high educational quality at Enam Medical College and Hospital is on par with that of other developed nations.
  • The total cost of an MBBS degree at Enam Medical College and Hospital is comparatively low compared to the rest of the globe.
  • Students from Enam Medical College and Hospital go abroad to participate in a wide range of seminars and conferences. This helps them become effective physicians.
  • Enam Medical College and Hospital provide education by incorporating the latest technologies, thanks to their rigorous curricula and competent teaching staff.
  • MCI accepts MBBS and other medical degrees from a university in Bangladesh. Indian students may find employment upon their return home.
  • All of the amenities and high-quality rooms come at a very reasonable price.

Medium of teaching at Enam Medical College and Hospital:

Enam Medical College and Hospital employs English as its medium of teaching.

Hostel facilities at Enam Medical College and Hospital:

  • Hostel accommodations with complete amenities are offered near the college building for both male and female students.
  • There is a single dorm for male and five for female students at the College.
  • Each of the dorms is equipped with a generator and wireless internet. Guards and surveillance cameras are on-site at all times.

A Provost oversees the administration of a hall and is aided by House Tutors and Assistant House Tutors. In contrast, a Warden oversees the administration of a hostel and is assisted by Assistant Warden(s). Students, both domestic and international, are required to live in the dorms. They are not permitted to leave the hostel grounds. Each student must accept the assigned room in the hostel as determined by the hostel administration. A student must submit a request to the hostel committee chairman if they want to switch their assigned seating.

Tips for students to manage expenses during MBBS in Bangladesh:

Leverage Scholarships and Financial Aid:

Scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of need- and merit-based financial aid may be available from various colleges. Students must make an effort to find and apply for these openings. In addition to helping with tuition, they may be used to pay for books, supplies, and other educational costs. The likelihood of being awarded such assistance can be improved by keeping close track of due dates and submitting all paperwork on time.

Optimize Use of Campus Health Services:

Certain colleges provide students with certain medical care at reduced prices or for free. Using on-campus health services means students may save unnecessary medical costs without sacrificing the quality of care.

Join or Organize Bulk-Buying Groups:

As a group, medical students have a big demand for certain supplies or pieces of equipment and might save money by banding together to make large purchases. Students may receive what they need at a fraction of the individual cost if they band together to purchase in bulk from wholesalers or shops.


Closing paragraph: denoting Reach Admission Route for MBBS Admission in Enam Medical College and Hospital!

The Reach Admission Route at Enam Medical College and Hospital serves as a guiding light for aspiring doctors. This pathway emphasises the college’s commitment to an open and transparent admissions process, allowing any qualified applicant to confidently imagine a career in medicine. Gaining acceptance is just the beginning of a life-changing experience, one that will be backed up by the institution’s history and dedication at every turn. If you have the drive and commitment to become a doctor, the Reach Admission Route will be your map to the Enam Medical College and Hospital. Embrace the road ahead, knowing it was laid out with your goals in mind.